Governance Now, India's premier governance magazine from Sri Adhikari Brothers (SAB) group is organizing the Urban Cooperative Bank Summit in April 20, 2015 at the in ITC Grand Central,Parel, Mumbai.
While the summit will focus on redefining cooperative movement, the discussion at the conference will revolve around enabling financial and legal environment, policy challenges and expansion of urban cooperative banks. It will also focus on the role of technology in new generation urban cooperative banks.
Discussion themes:
- Creating an enabling financial and legal environment for Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs)
- Addressing the policy challenges of UCBs
- Registration of new UCBs on the basis of financial viability
- Putting in place a mechanism for rating, listing and raising of tier I and tier II capital
- Creating new regulatory norms and set up for UCBs which are small vis-à-vis Public and private sector banks
- Permit UCBs to formulate settlement schemes towards principal and interest for speedy recovery of NPAs
- Withdrawal of income tax imposed on cooperative banks
- Allowing UCBs to extend their area of operation
- Freely permit UCBs to install offsite ATMs
- Making UCBs technologically empowered
- Expanding financial services through technology
- Role of technology in new generation UCBs
ITC Grand Central,Parel, Mumbai |
April 20, 2015 |